I simply could not even bear to blog about this until now. At least now a federal lawsuit has been filed as of today, jointly by the Animal Welfare Institute, Center for Biological Diversity, Turtle Island Restoration Fund, and the Animal Legal Defense Fund in New Orleans at the U.S. District Court for Eastern District of Louisiana, seeking an injunction against British Petroleum and its agents in the Gulf.
MyFox TampaBay (June 22, 2010)
The turtles are largely Kemps Ridley, Leatherback, Hawksbill and Green turtles, which are critically endangered. Loggerhead turtles are also impacted.
Below are some of the ones that got away or haven't been in the region of BP's burn boxes. The carcasses of the ones burned are long gone. It's a $50,000 fine per turtle, btw.
Below are some of the ones that got away or haven't been in the region of BP's burn boxes. The carcasses of the ones burned are long gone. It's a $50,000 fine per turtle, btw.
Just remember if you look away or skip this post, that you're doing exactly what Tony Hayward and BP are hoping you'll do.
There's really little more to say. The images speak for themselves, really....
(Image Credit: Carolyn Cole, Los Angeles Times)
(Image Credit: Lee Celano / Reuters)
A sea turtle covered in oil swims off Grand Terre Island, Louisiana, on June 8.
Photo: Reuters
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